My Love for Indian Block Print

Ever since I can remember I've had a passion for textiles. Being a designer and involved in print and production, it's not surprising that I'm so drawn to any kind of print on paper or fabric.

Printing by hand is a time consuming skill and one that fascinates me.

Experience is the training.

I love that hand printed things can be inconsistent with little blemishes, making the design even more special.

I wanted to put a blog together to give you some background to our latest india collection.

These behind the scenes photographs have been kindly provided by the maker of our new block print fabrics. I'm thrilled that they are taken in the actual workshop where our fabric is made and show the very same hand printing process used.

My main purpose picking this collection was to delve into a world of traditional techniques and pick out something extraordinary for Faberwood.

In a world where we're all so rushed and hurried, it's nice to slow down and admire this amazing ancient process.

The block prints in our collection are both from Jaipur in the Rajasthan region in Northern India.

They are printed using natural dyes and age old techniques. These methods have been handed down through generations.

Oh the blues...!!!

I selected our Lines on Lines fabric because to me it's a very modern design, made with a very traditional process and I just love that. It also has a stunning boarder detail that just seems to set the whole design off.

The Splashed Indigo design I selected is very unusual for a block print, on close inspection you discover that it's the indigo blue background ink that has been applied with the block onto a white fabric. The overall effect is that the white has somehow been splashed on, it's very ingenious. 

One day it would be amazing to try this beautiful artisan technique, but for now I will continue my journey curating new and interesting designs, I hope you can join me!

You can also check out our Pinterest page, I'm always adding new findings onto the Fabric Love board.

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