Wiksten Shift Top Made in Robert Kaufman Mammoth Plaid Gold

Starting 2020 right with a make! After seeing lots of customers make beautiful clothing in this Mammoth gold plaid I couldn't resist some for myself. This top is from the Wiksten Shift Set and I love it (seen sooooo... many photos of this all over instagram) I've already made another. The attention to the very simple detailing is perfect with very easy to follow instructions. At first I was worried it could be too oversized for me but I'm happy with the fit. Only modifications were adding an inch to the length on this one but more to fit with where the plaid pattern sits on the hemline. This is a good pattern for plaid matching, which can be tricky, it's worth taking the time over but I don't obsess! 

This Robert Kaufman flannel feels cosy against your skin, I thought I'd need to layer this style but it's similar to wearing a light weight sweater. Will be making lots more variations of this, it's a style that you could adapt in a lot of ways using different types of fabric.


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1 comment

I have been looking for this pattern! Where can I buy it??

Ruby Lewis

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