Merchant and Mills Camber Set T-shirt - in Thai Indigo Handloom

Oh how I just love Merchant and Mills sewing patterns! I've had my eye on the Merchant and Mills Camber Set for ages - to try the t-shirt style top. I've also been inspired by my collection of Denim Tops on Pinterest. So when I added this Indigo Tide fabric to our Faberwood collection I saw my opportunity to start something along similar lines.

I was desperate to show the luxury, denim and slubby cloth like feel of this fabric made up. This fabric is amazing! It was a very tough decision over what to make with it, not to mention the fear of cutting into it!

The thing with these Thai handloom fabrics is they are so special, it's rare they make the same thing twice. Like a work of art, the design and texture is created during the process. It's all about how those threads are woven together by hand. 

The pattern placement is where I really did nearly break out into a cold sweat! The light 'tide' effect is quite intermittent and not uniform, so I had to really think about where the pattern pieces were going to lay. My piece of fabric was from the very end of the bolt and had a long panel of light area. I can only think this must have been where the ends of the threads finished and created an amazing border. I came up with the idea to use this lighter area as a contrast for the neck band and back yoke of the sewing pattern. 

On the front I'm really happy how I got a long light area to position just below the neck line,I was feeling pretty pumped at this stage! (as I honestly don't usually go to this much trouble). That's how it goes when your fabric is super precious, once it was all cut out - that was it. No going back!

Testing this fabric has been great and my favourite things are as it gets more handled it starts to soften and the weave opens a little. You do need to hang on to those fraying bits though. I also think this top will age well to the point of looking a little, dare I say it, 'scruffy' - but I love that. Think of your favourite pair of aged jeans because that's where I'm going with it!

Hope you enjoy the pictures, I've done rather a lot. Surprising really as I kept getting interrupted by climbers (or was I interrupting them)? The boulders of the Peak District make such a damn fine back drop and if any climbers are reading do feel free to name this crag if you recognise it (I haven't Photoshopped out the chalk marks to help you).


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Hi Averil I am glad you liked it! My first sewing pattern by M&M is the dress shirt, quite a few years ago – printed on wonderful crisp card and stored in a tube, so elegant makes the project all the more exciting! Happy sewing…

Fiona Trevaskiss

Thankyou Fiona for posting the Camber Set top, especially in this beautiful fabric. I’ve made the dress in an Indian block print and I agree, Merchant and Mills patterns are wonderful for their clear instructions and perfect finishing touches – like the inset for the longer sleeve option. This was my first dress after not making anything for at least thirty years – and now I’m hooked again!

Averil Newsam

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