Fairfield Button Up in Durango Flannel

Fairfield Button Up in Durango Flannel


It came to a point where I really needed to make that promised shirt for my husband, he watches all the wonderful flannels coming and going in our house and even helps me select some of the lines for the Faberwood collection! I would wince at the thought of it, all those 'bits' that come with making a shirt like collars and plackets...uggh! The Fairfield Button Up would come up the most in all my searches with lots of really inspiring versions in all kinds of fabric, in some ways flannel was made for a design like this. Cutting this baby out was a huge personal challenge while also keeping all the plaid matching in mind. I did actually fall at the first hurdle, though as the pattern states to cut out the pattern on the wrong side of the fabric but I didn't want to do that! I wanted to see this gorgeous plaid design as I positioned my pieces. So the result was now a shirt that buttoned the wrong way with a chest pocket on the wrong side. Not sure who decides what is wrong or right but my very chilled out husband really wasn't bothered as I explained 'it might seem odd when you button it...'

Also, making shirts means deciding on button styles, I fall straight down rabbit holes in these situations. To avoid me ruining a beautiful project with crap button holes we went for snaps and then they became a whole other story! Lets just say I spent about a week (after ordering all sorts of snap button paraphernalia) practicing hammering and then bugging the neighbours while putting dents in my window ledge. In the end it became a joint effort with my husband to finish the final touches. The matt black snaps are pretty cool even though I had to trash a few to win a few!

My favourite part on this shirt is the flat felled seams, my not so favourite part is that the collar is quite tight, so it can't really be 'buttoned up', which is a bit annoying. My husband is slim so I'm not sure if I've made a mistake in the fitting - but it did all go together beautifully. This is a wonderful pattern and not as fiddly as I first thought (once I got stuck into it) I can see why it is so popular.

I made this almost a year ago and only now am I gearing myself up for shirt number two! I really am a very selfish sewer, I like making things for me but seeing Mr T wear this almost daily recently makes me quite happy : ) he says it's the comfiest fabric to wear.

Unfortunately this green was discontinued by Robert Kaufman, which is such a shame but we do have a re stock of the Chestnut Durango here which is just as fabulous. This fabric really is amazing to wear and sew with!

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