Scandinavia Collection: Knit Fabrics - Customer Creation #5

Our customers have been busy sewing with our knit fabrics! As part of our #shareyoursewing tag, I've compiled a few images featuring some great sewing patterns which are great for our knit fabrics. Look on and feel inspired...

The Triangles printed sweatshirt by PaaPii design has been one of our best selling fabrics and I'm dying to make something with this myself! It's a gorgeous luxury sweatshirt organic jersey and here is a fabulous example of how it looks made up!

Our customer, Salva, has kindly shared this Named Clothing Sloane Sweatshirt, we love the contrast cuff on this three quarter sleeve top. Thanks so much for these fantastic pictures Sal!


Our next featured customer, Miga, has made a Tilly and the Buttons Agnes T-shirt/Dress using the PaaPii Lines Organic Jersey. I think the binding and gathering details are fab, showing this luxurious stretchy fabric off brilliantly. Also Miga managed to get just that little bit more out of this fabric and completed a blocked Named Clothing Geneva Raglan Tee. Awsome! Thanks for sharing these makes Miga, I love them!


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