Indigo Fabric of Thailand - an Artisan Story

Take a look behind the scenes of our Indigo Tide fabric, here our suppliers from Thailand share their wonderful story...

We are designers based in Bangkok, Thailand that work with women's traditional weaving co-ops in Northeast Thailand. The primary group that we work with is based in Sakon Nakhon province, on the border with Laos. This co-op consists of 40 women weavers that follow traditional hand-loom techniques. These weavers grow their own indigo plants and follow traditional Thai hand-dying techniques. The run-off and waste water from this process is 100% biodegradable. all refuse is composted and then used to enrich the soil for next planting.

All Indigo Heritage products are dyed with 100% plant-based dyes, our indigo dyes are made from the indigofera tinctoria Linn variety. This variety of indigo plant has been used for centuries in Thailand to produce a deep, rich blue colour. In addition to using natural dyes our weavers produce a hand-loomed cotton that utilizes locally picked cotton, and is less refined (eg. not bleached) than commercial cotton fabric produced on a large scale.

See more photographs of our Indigo Tide fabric on the shop product page


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1 comment

I miss the beautiful Thai blues in the textiles produced there! I taught high school at Ruamrudee in Bangkok from 1998 – 2000, and brought back many fine fabrics. Thank you for continuing the tradition!

Amy Carpenter

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